TBLeague / Phicen Standard Female Body Comparison

Before we start, some basic knowledge about TBleague / Phicen figures.


  • The skin is made of silicon which has a very soft and human-like touch. It also has a seamless coverage of the full body (expect the wrists and ankles for interchangeable parts). This is their best selling feather.
  • They are made of stainless steel skeleton, which is highly flexible and endurable for different postures.
  • They make both male and female figures, and provide variations of skin tones and figure sizes. For female figures, there are only 2 skin tones right now: “pale” and “suntan”
  • To avoid confusion, personally I recommend only focus on the “number” in the variant name. The letter “A/B/C/D” do not have that much importance and exact definition.

For every figure type, TBLeague / Phicen makes 2 exact same ones and only differ in skin tones. Understanding S01A, you also understand S02B.

We are going to leave aside the skin tones and only focus on talking about the other features regarding body shape in this article.

This is a very long photo of S01~S38A. It’s more advised to download the original file. We took photos of all standard size female figure and line them up.

If you are still a bit confused about the differences after looking at the above picture, don’t worry, I’ll break down the major differences into these buckets which you might care about most.

1. Detailed parts

There are 3 types of details, which are

  • W/ Detailed female parts:  With details that vividly display the outer biological appearance of the female parts.
  • W/ Vague female parts: Only with a subtle aperture that indicates the opening.
  • No details: Plain with no details at all.

To know the detailed parts type on each body, scroll down to the end of this article and refer to the spreadsheet.

2. Figure type / style

2.1 Bust size

TBLeague roughly divide the bust size into 2 types: Medium and Large. To know the bust size of each body type, please refer to the spreadsheet at the end of this article.

What’s worth mentioning is that bodies promoted as the same bust type could come with different bust size, if you compare them carefully. You can refer to the side-by-side comparison photo if you want to find out about the actual comparison.

2.2 Other features

Besides the basic variation like bust size, each figure could come with its own unique feature as the selling point. We hereby randomly list the characteristics of some figures for your reference.

  • S16A is with the leanest fat, and the most slim shoulder among the standard height figures, which is a perfect option if you are customizing a teenage girl, boyish or any “gender-neatual” character.
  • S18A has the smoothest curve down the neck and shoulder.
  • S07C has undetachable feet, and very smooth curvy figure type (this one is very recommended if you are searching for a figure goes bare feet or with hollow boots)
  • S22A is advertised as “athlete” one, and it looks like it with abdominal muscles and strong thighs. Recommended for female soldiers and warriors, especially the ones that you can reveal her ab and legs.
  • S28A and S38A are more “buxom” and rounded than the other figure types.
  • S32A is advertised as “slender“, and it’s the tallest of them all (taller in about 1 cm). It has shorter upper body and longer legs, which is a good option for comic characters, and any character that needs to show the characteristics of long legs.

3. Feet connection

This is an easy one. Just remember, all types after 12 all have detachable feet. It becomes a default because most female boots are for pegs, not whole feet. A detachable feet figure do not have to be so picky at hollow shoes.

4. Height

The difference in height of them are not drastic.

  • S10A, S16A, S32A stand out slightly higher (probably 0.5 cm) than the average of others.
  • S28A is the shortest of them all, about 0.5~1 cm shorter than the average. Compared to S32A, the difference could be up to 2 cm.

Please kindly understand I am not going to give specific numbers here because I am not sure my standard of measuring is same as the rest of yours.

To end this article, a chart would follow as a summary covering basic specifications. Remember if you are wondering about the suntan types, just refer to its twin in “pale” skin tone.

Phicen TBLeague 1/6 Scale Female Bodies

Phicen TBLeague’s 1/6 scale action figure bodies come in a range of skin tones, bust sizes and with fixed or removable feet. Here’s the overview of the models (click on the model name for more product info, if still available):

ModelSkin ToneBust SizeFoot TypeUnique Features
S01PaleMediumFixedHead included
S02TanMediumFixedHead included
S05TanLargeFixedHead included
S06SuntanLargeFixedHead included
S07PaleLargeFixedHead included
S08TanLargeFixedHead included
S09SuntanLargeFixedHead included
S16APaleMediumRemovableSlender & narrow shoulders
S17BSuntanMediumRemovableSlender & narrow shoulders
S18APaleMediumRemovableLike S01/S02
S19BSuntanMediumRemovableLike S01/S02
S20APaleLargeRemovableMuscular Legs as used on Huntress
S21BSuntanLargeRemovableMuscular Legs as used on Huntres
S22APaleMediumRemovableMost muscular + 1 cup size up on S01
S23BSuntanMediumRemovableMost muscular + 1 cup size up on S01
S24APaleMediumRemovableSlender & shorter 28cm
S25BSuntanMediumRemovableSlender & shorter 28cm
S26APaleMediumRemovableSlender & shorter 27cm
S27BSuntanMediumRemovableSlender & shorter 27cm
S28APaleMediumRemovableCurvaceous and realistic
S29BSuntanMediumRemovableCurvaceous and realistic
S32APaleMediumRemovableSlender with shorter upper body and long legs
S33BSuntanMediumRemovableSlender with shorter upper body and long legs
S34PaleMediumFixedHead included, narrow shoulders & waist with long legs
S34APaleMediumFixedNarrow shoulders & waist with long legs
S35SuntanMediumFixedHead included, narrow shoulders & waist with long legs
S35ASuntanMediumFixedNarrow shoulders & waist with long legs
S38PaleLargeRemovableHead included, curvaceous and realistic
S38APaleLargeRemovableCurvaceous and realistic
S39SuntanLargeRemovablehead included, curvaceous and realistic
S39ASuntanLargeRemovableCurvaceous and realistic
S40PaleLargeFixedHead included, tall & slender. Smooth body shape (not muscular)
S40APaleLargeFixedTall & slender. Smooth body shape (not muscular)
S41PaleLargeRemoveableHead included, tall & slender. Smooth body shape (not muscular)
S41APaleLargeRemoveableTall & slender. Smooth body shape (not muscular)
S42PaleLargeFixedHead included, tall & curvaceous. Smooth body shape (not muscular)
S42APaleLargeFixedTall & curvaceous. Smooth body shape (not muscular)
S43SuntanLargeFixedHead included, tall & curvaceous. Smooth body shape (not muscular)
S43ASuntanLargeFixedTall & curvaceous. Smooth body shape (not muscular)
S44PaleSmallRemoveableHead included, petite, includes sports suit
S44APaleSmallRemoveablePetite, includes sports suit
S45SuntanSmallRemoveableHead included, petite, includes sports suit
S45ASuntanSmallRemoveablePetite, includes sports suit


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