
Customers in most countries will usually have to pay some import duty and possibly other fees. Any import duty or customs fees would be charged by your government, not by 2DBeat Hobby Store. Your post office should be able to give you the details on the conditions under which import duty or customs fees are charged. Any customs duties and fees are the responsibility of the customer, and are not included in the cost of shipping.

Duty and fees vary greatly from country to country. However, advantages in our selection and prices in most cases mean it’s still cheaper to buy from 2DBeat and pay duties than to search locally.

Please note that some countries may require parcels to be opened for customs inspection. Our store cannot be held responsible for any actions taken by customs officials, and we are unable to provide compensation or replacements for any items lost, seized, or damaged during the inspection.

Failure to pay fees or provide documents requested for importation will result in the package being sent back to us or destruction for orders shipped by DHL

Customers in Mexico

Mexican Customs may require something called a “Sanitary Permit” or “Permission for humanoid toys” which must be obtained and provided by the customer.

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